

January 2023

Tattoo Schedule is a full stack application that allows tattoo artists to manage their appointments and clients.

Code Theme Finder


March 2022

Created a simple webapp to help developers find their perfect code theme and font for their code editor

Daily Discomfort

React NativeiOS

September 2020

Created a React Native application to prompt users to complete daily challenges to get outside of their comfort zone.

Funny Weather


January 2020

Co-Create a classic weather app but with a rude twist. This is a full stack iOS and Android application with a NodeJS backend.

Code A Difference


April 2019

Allow programmers that are still learning to sharpen their skills while creating worthwhile projects / websites for small non-profits. This is a full stack application created using React, Redux, and Firebase.

BAC Wizard


November 2018

BAC Wizard is an application to track your estimated BAC while drinking. Every time you have a drink (Beer, Wine, or Shot) just click the correspoding Icon and view your estimated BAC below. I created it while a Junior at College. BAC Wizard was built using the Ionic Framework with Material Design in mind.